When was JAMA established?
Xiamen JAMA Bearing Co., Ltd, as a professional manufacturer of o ring manufacturers , has been dedicated to the development of the industry for years. It takes JAMAa few years to grow from a small business to an enterprise that dominates the domestic market. As we were established when the product was at the early stage, we have accumulated years of experience in material sourcing, quality control and component assembly. We will continue to celebrate the innovation and update of the product as well as the service enhancement in the next decade.
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After years of steady development, JAMA has become one of the leading ball & roller bearings manufacturers. The ball & roller bearings series is one of the main products of JAMA. The production of wecast iron pulley follows the smooth production process and comes out with high accuracy. The pen for this product includes a pressure detection system. As with a pencil, applying more pressure leaves a darker line, while less pressure makes a lighter one.
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our teammakes its decision to offer the most professional customer service to attract customers. Please contact.

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